
“Don’t let them in, don’t let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal don’t feel, don’t let them know.
Well, now they know!”

You know how many times you try to be in control of things. You try to have things put together. You try to have the right answers for things. Try to act the way you think you are suppose to. You try to keep everyone together. 

I titled this blog Frozen because I kept thinking about Elsa and how she had to stop trying to be someone who she wasnt to really embrace who she was. She had to step out of isolation and just let it go. 

The last year or so, I’ve learned alot about letting go. Letting go of who I think I am and finding my identity in Christ. Letting go of the girl who is suppose to have it all together and instead be real and go to God with my worries. 

But yet, my sinful nature is to go back and try to control situations. Try to manipulate things so that they come out a specific way.Try to keep those that I love safe. I’m a “Protector” atleast thats what the personality test said. But actually so much of what it said about me is true.

Side note: If you want more insight into my personality go read about INFJ’s.  

My way of loving people is by protecting them. By doing as much as I can to keep them safe. Do y’all realize how crazy burdensome that is?! Also how much doing that hurts others because then they dont get to grow from those experiences. The last few months I have been reading The Victory of Surrender and it has really been helping me with “letting go” of things. Surrender doesn’t just mean  giving up and not doing anything but it means so much more. Its actually so much harder to surrender rather than to just do it your self. But the benefits of surrendering equals life rather than burdensome and heavy yokes that will eventually lead to death. 

Alot of my stepping out in faith was inspired by surrendering. I believe that as I surrender to God my life, possessions, family, friendships, He will bless them. 

 These next few months (and of course rest of my life) but thinking short terms for now, I really want to focus on surrendering everything to God. 

The main things would be; 

My future; If its Bolivia or somewhere else.

My friendships; allow God to work through them, don’t try to force things, learn to love like Jesus.

My family; Love them and not try to make decisions for them.

My possessions; giving them up, seliing them, not buying anything for a good while. 

Another point about surrender; God doesn’t need us. But he wants us. 

Acts 17:25

New International Version (NIV)

25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else


That changes everything. Its not about what I can do for God in a job duty way but its so much more about what I will do for God because of the love I have for him. Just the way one would serve their spouse out of love. 

I pray to be totally reliant on God and not on myself. I pray to fully understand this scripture and hide it deep in my heart; 

1 John 3:1

New International Version (NIV)

3 See what great love(A) the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!(B) And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.(C)

To fully understand that I am a daugher of God. That the love I have for God, increases daily so that surrendering to Him comes like second nature. That I can truly live by faith and not by sight ( 2 Corin 5:7) 


What are things you need to surrender? What has helped you surrender things in the past?